Demountable Winch Systems

Sensors Overcome!

Sensors are becoming more popular on vehicles to assist with lane change detection, auto braking and brake assist. This makes it more challenging to mount winches to vehicles without impacting the sensors.

One solution is to make the winch demountable. This enables the option of winching without the need for a permanently fixed solution which could inhibit sensor functionality.

Our systems are designed to be robust and reliable and include handles and grips to aid in the mounting and demounting of the winch.

We can also assist by developing stowage solutions. This makes it easier to store the winch when the vehicle is in transit.

Our demountable systems are available for both hydraulic and electric winches. So whatever the application, we’ll likely have a suitable solution for you.

Visit our product page for more information or alternatively, please speak to one of our engineers. +44 (0)20 8953 6050 or +44 (0)1482 223 663 or email us at